We fight plagiarism!

EMBJ supports ethical writing and fights plagiarism. All submissions we receive are checked for plagiarism by using online available tools. Any suspected misconduct ends up with a quick rejection and is then reported to the European Science Foundation and to the US Office of Research Integrity.
The European Science Foundation released a Code of Conduct on Research Integrity, which is fully supported by our journals. All authors submitting papers to our journals are required to adopt these policies.
Below someonline resource to help you in understanding plagiarism:
St Johns University.Long TC, ErramiM, George AC, et al. Responding to Possible Plagiarism. Science 2009; 323:1293-1294.
Lewis J,Ossowski S, Hicks J, Errami M, and Garner HR. Textsimilarity: an alternative way to search MEDLINE. Bioinformatics 2006; 22:2298-2304.